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stale thoughts.
Sunday, May 23, 2010

this happened a month ago. it was probably the most hectic summer i've ever had, with the flurry of activities that had gone by, week by week, nonstop.

so us CYF [13-17 years old] went to our yearly 3-day 2-night camp. but this year, it was so different. we were so closely bonded, we had two days of swimming, and best of all, we were so on fire for God. don't ask me how. it just happened. and i have a lot to thank for. :>

lesson overview!
the main lesson that camp was about the Holy Spirit. He is the least discussed person in the Trinity. so we learned about Him. [i don't think He's supposed to be called an 'it'.] He's the one living inside us when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. He's the good voice who tries to talk you out of evil things. He's the one responsible why i'm writing like this and probably you think i'm a lunatic now but i don't care. so there.

did you know that not believing God is already a sin? [i was also surprised.]

i learned how to cast out demons and heal people [not quite, but i really can] and have a positive look in life.

finally, thanksgiving.
i thank the CRL teachers for letting us know about the Holy Spirit. Teacher Grace, you told us that you were jealous because our generation was the most prophesied one. Thanks for leading us. [she's the head of the christian education ministry in our church.]
i thank Pastor VJ for refilling me once again with the HS.
i thank my CYF friends for being so moshpit and on fire. and being so makulit.
i thank God cause He opened my heart and i'm trying to be a better person.

i wish you guys had the opportunity to join us. sayang talaga. i'd be extremely happy if the Jonas Sisters came. next time i'll invite you.

don't be intimidated! ;A; i swear it's fun. there's an acquaintance party coming up next. and i'm decorating the event. :">



written @8:29 AM

youknowhat? youkno liek YOU KNO WAT?
Monday, March 22, 2010


i dreamt i was being married to a person i don't know to save the race of the middle class. i wasn't very game on it, but wasn't so opposed to it. so the omiai [arranged] wedding began. i was dressed in a weird suit-like, not wedding-ish dress. the wedding wasn't even held at church it was inside our house. and liek you kno what, our house is so small. and so the weirdest things happened. i started the march alone in my parents' bedroom, then the little hall, then finally the living room. i was greeted by a girl who i don't recall in my dream [who oohed and aahed over me], alvin uy lim [YES, HIM. IONO WHAT THE HELL HE'S DOING THERE TOO YOU KNO!?] who shook my hand, then my parents, then the groom.

dundundun.... it was-

JORDAN!!! [like wth???]

he's a churchmate and a childhood friend, somewhat. i grew up with him in church. back to the dream.

he smiled and said quite easily "sa cheek ha." then he suddenly kissed me on the cheek. near the lips. aaaa. probably to fool the parents that we really kissed. and so we were married. no priest present in there.

we had a private time to ourselves, which we spent talking and laughing and knowing each other. no, we didn't have kids. no, we didn't grow old. i stopped the dream. i woke up feeling very "WTH why am i having dreams this year and why these weird dreams". i even asked God, "are you giving symbols or anything? [somewhere between the lines that 'i deserve someone better'??]

clarification. the guy mentioned has a girlfriend [i think], and i do not hit on people who have relationships. but an OMIAI. i had an OMIAI. it was meee. O___O

P.S. i met Christine today. she's small as usual. we had a lot of fun time together. will visit her house this week. yay yay yay~

written @5:38 AM

missing you
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

dear blog,

it's been twelve days since i last saw you. that's not much time but at least i have an excuse to write to you. i can't sleep. a random thought just came in now. i remembered walking home together with kuya tud. he suddenly shifted positions so that i was walking on the curb and he was where cars come and go. such gentlemen still exist, huh. he's a christian. and nothing could ever go wrong with kuya tud.

i feel so reminiscent today. the four years of torture have come to an end. friends came and go. and they will still be friends. first year. it was the crappiest year. arga made me cry and i hated royce. i was so bitter, but i got over it. second year was the best. even though my name was always on the bottom of the class rankings, curie bonding was the best. even if we had a crappy adviser. scratch that, she was ok. third year. HAY. this was the year that i had boy troubles. and the year we formed the jonas sisters. our class was the black sheep of the batch [as they have made us feel; they were always angry at us], and we made our adviser cry. fourth year, finally. it was a piece of heaven. my classmates were ok, but they weren't the best, i admit.

and now i also feel that i should stop forcing me dreams to another person. and i should stop dreaming too much. it isn't healthy. i guess it's time to let go of megane-kun [even if i didn't own him]. i'll wait for him till he becomes a good christian. haha. i'll still see him anyway. and since i'm graduating, i have some things to say. thanks because i met you when we were kids. thanks for the memories at SPARKS [i bet you didn't want to remember that], thanks for coming on my birthday [bet this one too], and thanks for talking to me when i thought you were ignoring certain people. oh. i still remember you gave me a cute little purple notebook on your birthday. it's still with me. good times, good times. now, all i can say that megane-kun has been a good friend and i'm not going past those boundaries. thanks for the memories dear friend. i got my priorities straight now. i guess.

while walking around the subdivision with ma, we talked about ate ia not getting enough contact. well, she's busy and there's no internet in the apartment she's staying at, so it's tricky. she's is taiwan. but mom said "kahit na. she should still contact us." oh, the worries of a mother. every mother wants to know every little thing of their children at all times. no choice, ate ia's enjoying her life there, making money, having fun with friends, still going on scooters even if she already had an accident. i'm jealous. i felt betrayed. she's enjoying. so i swore to myself that i'll get that tourism course and travel round the world and make lots of money. and work abroad. even if that doesn't help the philippines. but then, i still like/want to get the clothing technology course. i wanted to DESIGN. sew. cut. sell. and make money too. two options, one choice. it's getting harder and harder everyday.

i'm a finalist in the EPWMD contest 'everyday is earth day'. which is what i've been praying for. God, Lord, thank you very much!!! i'm praying that i'll win. at first, i was selfish. i thought, when i win, i'll buy a bike. but thanks to a bible study session, i need to tithe first. that big money wouldn't last if you didn't give some back to God. and it's true, i've tested it. otherwise, if you've been giving back, you'll experience that you're never running out of money, no matter how much you give. i tested this too. so guys, learn to give back 10 percent [or even more] of your allowances/ money/ anything!!! those who are sincere in giving will be rewarded. remember this story. there was a pharisee and an old woman who were tithing. the pharisee gave lots of money, while the old woman gave only two coins. the pharisee, compared to what he gave, owned a lot more than that. while the old woman gave everything she had, which was the two coins. more points for the old woman. so remember, sincerity counts. DON'T EVEN THINK about not having enough money after you tithe. by mysterious ways, you'll get it back [or even more]. leftover money from spending will not be rewarded well. i tested this too. i got a feeble amount of allowance in return. ;______;

guys, pray for me that i win. it'll mean so much to me, i'm losing money right now and i'm not being helpful here at home spending for insurance on my face [if you know what i mean]. i admit i'm such a brat. i PROMISE i'll treat people AND tithe more than 10 percent of what i'll get when i win. i promise.

and i'm getting sleepy now. time to go to bed. good night~

with love,

written @8:41 AM

madness inspired. you're late for tea, you know.
Thursday, March 4, 2010

"The greatest people are mad."
somewhere between those lines. can't rephrase it well.

anyway! no more spoilers ahead, i assure you.

this movie is Tim Burton's take on Lewis Carrol's 'Alice in Wonderland'. it's a mad concoction of two artists'... weirdness. it's so weird that you'll want to know what's next, because it's so unpredictable.

the movie blended together the two novels and tweaked it so it became a whole new story. one thing i notice is that Burton apparently had a color scheme change. it was still bleak but now there were bright pops of color added to it, so it's quite a surprise. oh, and the costumes too, they were lovely. victorian period, i think? it was set in the era of corsets and grand parties. the setting, you should see it! the castle of the white queen is a must-see. the details of the red queen's castle is also impressive. it was, colorful. the change of events was choppy. i didn't know why this scene followed that scene, and the next thing i knew, it was the end. so i was, "what? it's already the end?" but they rounded the story nicely; it's not blunt, neither much of a cliffhanger.

actors. you can never go wrong with Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham-Carter. aaand Anne Hathaway. you should see how the white queen [Hathaway] walks. it made me walk in that form for a while. Mia Wasikowsa, nothing much to say about her. she's new, good, nice, fine.

today's the start of the official viewing of Alice in Wonderland. it's available in all Philippine theaters. IMAX 3D will only be available in SM City North Edsa. tickets [based on sm] are priced 160+ for digital theater and 350 to 400 for IMAX 3D. i asked the prices on premiere night. i don't know if the price will change for the other days.

wanna win a limited edition pocket watch? then go to Azrael's Merryland for more info. [ i can't upload the picture, blogger's being iffy.]

written @6:34 AM

prom. i missed you, blog. mwah.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

oh dear. look at the all the dust.

it's been a while since i blogged. sorry, i'm being sucked into plurk. writing statements seem to be better than writing paragraphs. but, blogging is the root of microblogging [twitter, plurk, tumblr, etc.], so i'm going back to the roots. it won't hurt to go back to the basics, will it?

prom is two days away and i still have one last thing to buy before i am ready. contacts. i waxed my legs just before i wrote here, and my legs look okay. they're smooth :D. excuse me, for being a hairy person. i also had a facial, and that's about it.

my cocktail dress is made of chiffon, bluish gray with micro-sparkly stuff. it's cut above the knee, layered, halter top. it's not yet finished, though. i'm not yet done with my mask, will bring it to school tomorrow. and the shooooes. they're 4 inches high, but it's really 3 if you take off the extra inch on the toe part.

we're supposed to march with 3rd years as our partners. mine is a megane-san. he looks fine. honestly, i am disappointed. sure, i have all the nice stuff and glitz, but it's not fun not having a prom date. it feels like i didn't fill a page of my high school life. ERR, LONELY MUCH. shoo, negative energy. but i wish he'll at least ask for a dance. *hopes wildly*

it is past eleven. not bad for my skin. i shall go now. ja ne~

written @7:25 AM

Saturday, February 6, 2010


hahahaha. i'm getting hyped up in this song. but it has too much cuss words, so i'm just gonna sing the chant.

btw. i has plurk nao. http://www.plurk.com/artglass

prom's getting nearer now. and in two weeks, no, one week, it'll be exam week. and i'm part of the yearbook commitee. *A* AAAAH, so busyyyy. but i'm happy. at least i won't be idling about. and me and my cocc buddies should be recruiting by this week. then train them. i'm quite excited to be training third-years.

about the prom, the theme is a masquerade. and i'll be designing my own mask. hee. my dress is a cocktail one, and it's gray. it's still in process of being made, meaning not yet existent. i still don't have shoes, we can't find the right one in sm. and i can't find my prom date. LOL. he's nonexistent, i think. sigh, i'll be a wallflower again. or a cameraman.

the graduation ball is on march. SOTSUGYO BALL! :> if we were japanese, we should be in first year high. i still wanna stay in high schoooool.

hala, we're having too much fun bashing someone. it's time to stop. baibai.

written @1:05 AM

Saturday, January 30, 2010

HURR. lookit my new cbox. it's pink and green. :>

since tsubasa and xxxholic is done, i'm trying to DL them to read, to eliminate page loading lag. right now i'm reading tsubasa chronicles. the art is soooo good. DL them here. you have to register, and you can only DL 2 at a time. once you finish downloading, you can DL again. wheee. abusing fast internet.

~~~something random: apply base coat. add two coats of metallic nail polish [it's important to let each layer dry before adding a new one.] glaze with sparkly nail polish, the one that's almost transparent and has micro-glitters. be sure to kind of concentrate the polish on the base of your nail, then fade it somewhere in the middle. add another glaze, this time with bigger glitters. apply this only on the tip of your nail, so it will blend with the former glaze. add top coat. this will result to a gradient effect. hee. try these color swatches: pink metallic, purple micro glaze, silver glaze. :D :D :D

written @9:23 AM